MIMIC Python client: MIMICview-PY

  1. Table of Contents
  2. Overview
  3. This MIMIC Python client is a multi-threaded (subject to Python's limitation ) GUI MIMICview substitute. It presents a subset of the MIMICview functionality: the Explorer View to display Agent information. A subset of the menus works.

  4. Prerequisites
  5. To run this tool, you need Python installed on your system. It also depends on other Python packages (GTK, etc).

  6. Usage
  7. mimicviewpy.py [--host MIMIC-HOST]

    where [--host MIMIC-HOST] is an optional argument to point at the MIMIC host, if it is not the default localhost.

    Figure 1: MIMICView-PY

  8. Compatibility
  9. Python 2.7+