This update package ships an Web simulation of a Cisco C210 UCS server with VOIP phones and collaboration applications.
To run this simulation, you must have installed the following optional modules as documented in the online documentation:
[root@localhost optional]# mv ../
[root@localhost optional]# pwd
To run the simulation, invoke the File->Open menu from the MIMICView GUI, and select the hcs.cfg file.
Select agent 1 and change its IP address, if necessary. Start it using the Agent->Start menu item.
After the agent starts completely and turns into green, you can test the WEB Services simulation by using any WEB Services client application.
Cisco Prime Collaboration | Cisco Hosted Collaboration Mediation-Fulfillment | EMC SMARTS | HP Enterprise NNMi | Browser |
Version 10.5.1 build 53684 | Version | Version 9.3 | Version 10.20 with IPT |
Recent Chrome browsers on Linux or Windows |
Extensive support for Cisco Prime Collaboration:
This simulation also works with EMC SMARTS:
The Agent->Statistics menu can be used to check various statistics for the WEB Services protocol in use. Also the mimiclog for the active session will contain useful debug information.
Supported operations as follows:
Before you begin the operations, add a hosted customer in Prime Collaboration, Administration->Customer.
To add CUCM/CUCXN/CUP application agents , in Operate->Device Work Center->Add Device wizard, enter IP addresses as the following.
SNMP version 2c, community string public, HTTP username admin, arbitrary password (admin as example).
The NAT inside address will be discovered as this figure. NAT Status is Enabled.
In MimicSh, use the pod_initialize.mtcl and pod_duplicate.mtcl scripts as the following. In Customer Management page, add one customer per pod.
After the new agents are discovered, each customer pod will have unique NAT outside addresses while inside addresses are duplicates in the same pattern as the original pod.
In Prime Collaboration Home, select a customer from Device Summary table, then select CUCM cluster agent 1 as this,
Then, open the Custom Dashboard wizard by clicking the green "+" sign next to the Dashboard text box. In the wizard, look for the Processor branch on the left pane and select CPU instances to monitor. Custom polling is recommended because the convenient pre-set pollings all may not be suitable for all versions of CUCMs, real or simulated.
In WEB Wizard, locate the counter variable, and double click the Value node to change the counter value.
In Prime Collaboration Device Work Center, click on IP Address field of an agent will pop up a browser window to the application agent's home page,
In MimicSh, use the web_add_phones.mtcl script as the following to add phones.
The phones are discovered daily at midnight. To test the result quickly, change Prime Collaboration system's clock as this example,
[john@rock test]$ ssh -p26 root@
root@'s password:
Last login: Wed Jan 4 11:10:22 2017 from
[root@primecollab ~]# date
Wed Jan 4 13:51:39 EST 2017
[root@primecollab ~]# date -s 'Wed Jan 4 23:55:39 EST 2017'
Wed Jan 4 23:55:39 EST 2017
[root@primecollab ~]# date
Wed Jan 4 23:55:40 EST 2017
Use the following procedure to record a CUCM and add it to HPE NNMi,
The SSL certification in MimicView DEVHCS package is in the installation-area/config/web/ file.
Transfer this file to NNMi host, then truncate the "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" to "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" heading private key. Then insert the certificate using the following command,
c:\ProgramData\HP\HP BTO Software\shared\nnm\certificates>"c:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP BTO Software\bin\nnmkeytool.ovpl" -import -keystore nnm-trust.p12 -storetype PKCS12 -alias cucm-nnmi -file c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\
Our example setup is as the following diagram,
Before starting MimicD, set the environment variable MIMIC_ADAPTIVE_VSPACE to 0 by the following command,
[root@localhost bin]# export MIMIC_ADAPTIVE_VSPACE=0
Once MimicD is started, load agent configuration hcs.cfg.
. Then, add a route in NNMi host to reach simulated agents using the following command,
c:\>route add mask
, where is our example MIMIC host IP address. If you don't have access to real CUCM, jump to below step 6.
Start all CUCM services by selecting all services in CUCM management interface's Servicibility page, Tools->Activate Services menu item. Download the real CUCM's SSL server certificate in CUCM management interface's OS Administration page, Security->Certificate Management->tomcat->cucm->Download .PEM . Transfer this tomcat.pem file to NNMi host, then use the same command as adding to the NNMi trust store. Your setup will reach the following state,
But you need to wait for the real CUCM's SNMP service to populate CISCO-CCM-MIB objects fully before proceeding. Test whether CCM objects are populated by MimicRec walking the ccmName object, for example
[root@localhost bin]# ./mimicrec --target --root ccmName --nosim
In MimicView , use Simulation->Record Live to create a CUCM device, in our example called sim- .
Configure agent 1 to use the device sim- and IP address , then start the agent 1.
To start the simultaneous webrec process, use this example command,
[root@localhost bin]# ./webrec --outfilename cucm-nnmi-phone.log --dest-ip --dest-port 8080 --dest-ssl-port 8443 --servercert ../config/web/ --port 8080 --ssl-port 8443 --replace-up, --replace-down,
, where the replace-up and replace-down substitute client-to-server and server-to-client traffic with simulation agent as the CUCM IP address for NNMi's perspective.
To start the recording, goto NNMi IPT wizard, in our example,
When cucm-nnmi-phone.log has, at least, all the SQL commands as the following table of SQL Variable Column To SNMP Value Space Mapping, stop webrec process by Ctrl-C,
SQL Query Embedded in SOAP | Variable Column To SNMP Value Space Mapping |
select paramvalue from processconfig where paramName=ClusterID | paramvalue -> mimic value get ccmClusterId 1 v |
select as cname, as pname from callmanager as c,processnode as p where c.fkprocessnode=p.pkid |
cname -> mimic value get ccmName 1 v pname -> mimic value get sysName 0 v |
select cdrrepmgrhostaddress from cdrmconfig | cdrrepmgrhostaddress -> mimic agent get host |
select name,pkid from processnode |
name -> mimic value get sysName 0 v pkid -> 710e28b6-975f-4c8e-883f-c7edb4[set uuid_octet] , where $uuid_octet is computed with following formula set server_ip [mimic agent get host] set lastoctet [lindex [split $server_ip .] end] set sndlastoctet [lindex [split $server_ip .] end-1] set host_octet [expr $sndlastoctet * 256 + $lastoctet] set uuid_octet [format %06d $host_octet] |
[root@localhost bin]# ./webconv cucm-nnmi-phone.log
, and you will have 2 converted files,
rulefile_cucm-nnmi-phone.mtcl and rulefile_cucm-nnmi-phone.rul .
Stop the real CUCM or move it out of NNMi and MIMIC host's reach from the network.
[root@localhost bin]# ./mimicsh --nogui --script ../scripts/pod_initialize.mtcl --args {1-7}
[root@localhost bin]# ./mimicsh --nogui --script ../scripts/pod_duplicate.mtcl --args 2
./mimicsh --nogui --script ../scripts/web_add_phones.mtcl --agent 1 --args {1000}
./mimicsh --nogui --script ../scripts/web_add_phones.mtcl --agent 8 --args {1000}